
Justin Calka

Today, we did a lot of work on laying out our final panels on the computer and finding images to trace.  We are making our comic pages with the help of photoshop.  Before lunch, we drew out all of our panels and text in photoshop.  Afterlunch we gathered images and layered them to fit our storyline.  We then placed them into their correct panels.  We also had to change some text around after seeing the images.  Overall, we made the whole comic a lot easier to read.  Now, our final step is to trace the images that we made, and put them back into photoshop.  I think that we still have a lot of work to do, but I plan on doing some on Tuesday night and Wednesday (when I have time).  If we work on the off days, I think we will get it done on time.  Tomorrow, we are going to do some final touch ups on the photoshop images, and then get right to tracing for the rest of the day.