Rough Draft

Justin Calka

Today, we worked on the rough draft of our “Green Car” comic.  We planned out all of the text and actions of the character.  By the end of the day, we had our rough draft done, and we were ready to go onto take the next step.  The rough draft helped reassure us that the panels and text were all in the correct places.  We did end up changing the position of a few panels, and we also added some more dialog on the last page.  This weekend, and part of Monday, will be spent gathering images to trace.  Tracing is a good alternative to drawing.  We will use the tools that we have learned in Photoshop to compile the correct images for our scenes.  We are also planning on typing our text because we do not have the best handwriting.  Typing the text will also allow us to have uniform and neat speech bubbles.